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2023-06-11 02:40分类:投资策略 阅读:

大家好,昨天给大家说了如何运用 KDJ 指标去寻找个股的买、卖信号,今天要给大家说的是如何运用 KDJ 指标去抓住一只妖股,抓住市场上面最、最、最强势的股票。

KDJ 指标有三条线:紫线、白线和黄线,KDJ 又叫随机指标,随机指标在计算中考虑了计算周期内的最高价、最低价,兼顾了股价波动中的随机振幅,因而人们认为随机指标更真实地反映股价的波动,其提示作用更加明显,对短线的买卖点把握也较为准确。









那么,如何通过 KDJ 指标抓住一支股票成妖的信号,且及时买入呢?这里要给大家说的这个诀窍就是,当K、D、J三条线的数值都同时大于 80 时,(黄线大于 80),便是一支个股成妖的信号,是买入妖股的最佳时机,而妖股的卖点就是紫线 J 值率先跌破 80 时。





BBD 指标用于反映大资金的成交方向和力度,如果我们所能够看到的大资 金的交易方向越明确、交易的力度越大,则可在明了大资金是在买还是在卖的 基础上来掌握未来趋势。 BBD 为正值表示大资金在流入。BBD 的正值越大,证明大资金的流入越多。 例如:600000(浦发银行)2010 年 2 月 24 日 BBD 指标红柱连续在 0 轴之上,表明机构资金流入力度较大,机构做多意愿较强。见图1-1。











6月新经济行业招聘人数占全国总招聘人数比例稳中有降,为27.8%,比上个月降低了0.1%,而新经济行业招聘总薪酬占全国总薪酬比重从31.5%略降为30.1%。新经济行业的平均入职工资水平相对于全国平均入职工资水平有所下降,6月的新经济工资 “溢价”为8%(图6)。





In an effort to increase transparency on the structural changes underway in China’s economy, the MasterCard Caixin BBD China New Economy Index (NEI) was established. The subject of a year of research, the NEI was first publically released on March 2, 2016 and will be issued the 2nd of every month at 10:00am China Standard Time.

June’s MasterCard Caixin BBD New Economy Index reading came in at 30.8, indicating that the New Economy accounted for 30.8% of overall economic input activities in June. This month’s reading observed a 70 basis point increase from May and marked the third highest mark for the NEI since August of 2015 (Chart 1).

NEI included labor, capital and technology inputs that account for 40%, 35% and 25% weight respectively. Among the primary inputs, the uptick in the June NEI reading came mainly from a capital investment rebound, as both technology investment and labor input index fell slightly (Chart 2). The labor input first went above 30 in March but since then has seen a continual slide from the high of 31.4 in March to this month’s 29.0 reading. The capital input has seen relatively more fluctuation in the last few months, falling markedly from 36.5 in March to 26.6 in April. The last two months have seen a rebound to June’s 32.2. The technology input has receded from April’s record high of 33.5 to 31.7 this month, which remains the third highest reading.

Percentage changes in labor, capital, and technology this month were -0.7, 3.2, and -0.5 percentage points respectively. After accounting for the weightings, the sum of changes resulted in the 0.7 percentage point increase in NEI (Chart 3).

Looking at the sub sectors, the New IT industry contributed the most to NEI growth, 10.6 percentage points, followed by 4.9 percentage points in Advanced Materials, and 4.3 percentage points in New Energy (Chart 4).

China’s average monthly entry-level salary advertised in the New Economy fell to RMB 8,336. This number has seen relatively high volatility since February 2016 (Chart 5). As the New Economy figure is mainly a composite of advertised entry-level salaries from job listing websites such as 51job.com and zhaopin.com, we have also analyzed job listings from publicly listed companies as a frame of reference. Compared to listed companies, New Economy sector entry-level wages have risen faster, with the trend becoming more apparent in 2016.

Hiring in New Economy sectors accounted for 27.8% of total hiring in June, a very slight decrease of 0.1 percentage point from the previous month. Total compensation in New Economy sectors also fell slightly from 31.5% to 30.1%. Meanwhile, New Economy sector entry salary premium declined relative to the overall economy salaries, now at just 8% more than economy-wide counterparts (Chart 6).

From August 2015 to June 2016, New Economy labor demand increased steadily from 5.4 million to 11.5 million (Chart 7), although there were short-term drawdowns after Chinese New Year and also in April and May. The New Economy’s share of total demand for labor increased slightly, rising from 26.8% in August 2015 to 27.6% in April 2016, but down slightly to 27.2% in June.

The MasterCard Caixin BBD China New Economy Index is the fruit of a research partnership between Caixin Insight Group and BBD, in collaboration with the National Development School, Peking University. The subject of a year of research, the NEI was first publically released on March 2, 2016 and will be issued the 2nd of every month at 10:00am China Standard Time.




